Saturday, March 3, 2012

113. Why is that a special number?

113 is a special number because on the first day announcing the opening of this site 113 people viewed it. Thats 113 people that took initiative to move forward in life. 113 people that went into the unknown to find out what this site is about. 113 people that may be leaders and tell a friend about the site if they think it would be beneficial to them as well. 113 people decided to further their education and knowledge, and possibly to gain a new and memorable experience. Overall, thats 113 people that did something NEW in life and didn't just stick with the same ol' routine. 113 people chose to LIVE rather than just exist.

My point is, step outside your comfort zones. Live life to its fullest. Learn something new. Do something nice to somebody today. Move forward in life. BE THE DIFFERENCE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THIS WORLD! It's up to us to motivate others and raise them up.

Now the question is...are you willing to be that individual to make the most of your life, or will you let life pass you by? The choice is yours, but I'm here to help in any way that I can.
